

Consumer Financial Vulnerability Index

Q4 - 2013

"The impact of seasonability"

BY Administrator

South African consumers were more financially vulnerable in 2013 compared to 2012 - in fact, MBD's Consumer Vulnerability Index (CFVI) shows that consumer financial vulnerability was at its lowest in 2013 since the economic recession in 2009. The CFVI for the fourth quarter (Q4 2013) improved somewhat, indicating that consumers perceived their cash flow to be under less strain compared to the previous quarter.


Consumer Financial Vulnerability Index (CFVI) was launched in Q2 2009.

  • Comprehensive consumer cash flow indicator.
  • Gauges the individual components of consumer finances separately and in one composite index.
  • Correlates well with macro-economic variables such as GDP.

Download the complete index with infographics here in pdf format


Source:  MBD Credit Solutions in collaboration with Prof Bernadene de Clercq - Bureau of Market Research: UNISA  

 April 08, 2014
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