Our Commitment
As the home and voice of the professional debt collection industry ADRA is committed to its pledge of support towards all its valued stakeholders

ADRA Members
- ADRA will represent its body of members by engaging with government, regulatory authorities and other interest groups so as to ensure the rights of its members are protected.
- ADRA will actively facilitate the formal education and training of its members and keep members informed of material developments within the industry.
- ADRA will provide a networking platform for its members ensuring access to health industry-relevant debate, best practise concepts, the debt collection client base and accredited industry service providers.
- ADRA will actively promote and represent its body of members (not individual members) within the extended client base of the debt collection industry.
- ADRA will recommend duly assessed and accredited service providers to its members thereby reducing risk and, where possible, negotiate preferential rates and added value.
- ADRA will assure the value of the ADRA membership by enforcing not only the minimum statutory standards but the highest standards of professionalism and ethics as enshrined in the ADRA Constitution, Code of Conduct and ADRA value system.
- ADRA will provide a dispute resolution mechanism to amicably resolve disputes between members and credit providers and members and consumers.
- ADRA will promote the occupation of debt recovery and the debt recovery industry ensuring the potential for successful and sustainable trade by its members.
Service Providers
- ADRA will through its membership of more than 200 member companies, directly employing in excess of 20 000 employees, utilise its buying power to the benefit of its members and their client base thereby providing opportunity to service providers.
- ADRA will conduct due diligence investigations on all applicants who can demonstrate the following:
- Industry relevant service/goods
- Substantive capacity,
- Strict compliance with associated standards,
- Sustainability,
- A willingness to tailor services/goods to meet the unique needs of the debt collection industry; and
- Socio-economic responsibility through BBBEE policy compliance and tax clearance with SARS.
- ADRA will provide accredited service providers with a platform from which to launch and publicise their services and goods to its body of members and in particular the decision makers within such entities.
- ADRA will without fear or favour, investigate and endeavour to amicably resolve all complaints received from consumers in a fair, just, equitable and expeditious manner.
- ADRA will, where a member brings the industry in disrepute through its conduct towards a consumer/s enforce the appropriate sanctions allowed in terms of its disciplinary code, including the expulsion from its ranks and/or referral of matters for enquiry and prosecution to the appropriate government authority.
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