We do not fear the future - We are the future!
Who is adra
The home and voice of the professional debt recovery industry
Established in 1988, ADRA has grown to become the undoubted home and voice of the professional debt collection industry in South Africa.
As a non-profit company and professional association, ADRA is the industry representative of the vast majority of the formal debt collection industry. ADRA establishes and maintains the positive reputation of the debt recovery industry and its membership through education, advocacy, services and, the enforcement of an elevated Code of Conduct.
ADRA seeks to promote the debt recovery industry as a responsible and significant participant in the credit life cycle. As recognised representative of the professional debt collection industry, ADRA has taken the lead in advancing the industry in a balanced and responsible manner.
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General privacy Statement
Prior to engaging with ADRA in any manner, it is essential that you read our attached privacy statement.
Click on the link to the right hereof to download or view our General Privacy Statement.
adra constitution
ADRA is duly incorporated Section 21 Company existing not for gain but to serve the occupational needs of its membership. ADRA is governed by a comprehensive constitution containing its objectives, organisational structures and rights and obligations of the association, its management structures and its individual members.
ADRA members unconditionally and irrevocably adopt this Constitution and by accepting membership undertake to uphold not only the letter of the constitution but the spirit and ethos of ADRA.
Download the Constitution
ADRA Code of conduct
The ADRA Code of Conduct contains the basic guide to conduct expected members towards ADRA, its clients, consumers and the public in general as well as the disciplinary procedure to be followed should a breach of the Constitution and/or Code of Conduct ne alleged. Likewise by accepting ADRA membership, members unconditionally and irrevocably undertake to abide by the Code of Conduct and hold itself bound not only to the letter of the code but the spirit and ethos it encompasses.